This Week in Pictures

Here are some snapshots of this week showing a few things we’ve been working on!

Jacob is showing off his writing!  In inquiry, we are thinking about how the different body systems work together.  Students applied several informational writing strategies that they’ve learned recently to organize their ideas about this topic.

Kinsley has been researching the universe during Genius Hour and decided to bring in materials to make her own solar system. Because the 5th graders are currently studying the solar system, she was able to share her work with their class! Brooklinn, Yana, Fahima, Aymiah, Kiarrah, and Iona are making valentines for their classmates for next week. They’ve been working hard personalizing them all. : )  We’ll be passing out our valentines on Tuesday. Tayvien used his Genius Hour to learn how to draw cartoon hearts for the valentines he’s making for his classmates.  How creative! Olive and Kinsley are working on a creative story together on Google Docs. Brooklinn took pictures around our school because she is making a Google Slide presentation about Discovery.  This is one of the pictures she took of one of our bulletin boards about a circulatory game we played and the mini research projects students did with the questions they had after the game.