Genius Hour

Central Idea: The human body is an intricate system that is constantly changing.

Theme: Who We Are

As we learned about the form and function (2 of the key concepts) of the skeletal system, groups made posters about some of the most common types of joints found in our body.

For every unit, we work on a set of transdisciplinary skills as we learn academic content.  Not only were students focusing on describing the joints on their poster, they were also working on specifically organizing  their information and managing their time (self-management skills). Jack, apparently the name they gave him, was a very cooperative model for this group as they made their poster.  🙂

What is Genius Hour?

Every Thursday, students are allotted an hour to work on a project that interests them.  Not only does this encourage curiosity and creativity, it allows our students to follow their passions.  Though I wish I could have taken more, here are a few snapshots of what projects the kids have decided to take on!

Iona is making a book about her research on a certain breed of cats. Aymiah sees homelessness as a big problem and wants to learn more about it. She has been copying statistics she finds onto a Google Doc. Kinsley decided to learn more about the galaxy and is going to build a model of the planets soon. Payne wrote an informational writing piece about the history of puppets and researched how to make different kinds of puppets.  He brought a puppet from home, took a picture of it at school, and added the photo to his online paper. Fahima is also researching the universe and is creating a way to show how the planets orbit. Yana is making a fraction game.  We can’t wait to play it in math class! Kiarrah and Lee each made a board game and typed out all the directions.Brooklinn is making a Google Slide presentation about Discovery School.  She walked around Discovery taking pictures.  This is one of her snapshots of students learning in music class.We love Genius Hour!  Ask your child what they are working on!