Collecting Water and Earth Day

Central Idea: Because water is a resource shared by all, survival of the planet depends on its responsible use.

Transdisciplinary Theme:  Sharing the Planet

This week, we began our final unit of the year!  The class was challenged to collect enough water that they thought our class needed for a day.  Before heading out, some students spoke up about needing supplies.  They used supplies in the classroom and our blue boot bucket to help.  Later students reflected on some of the challenges, what surprised them, and questions they had as a result of collecting clean water. Here are some of the student comments about what surprised them and questions they had that will help guide our unit:

  • Water is heavy!!
  • When we saw pollution, we collected water somewhere else. We saw a lot of litter.
  • Where is the water coming from and where is it going?
  • How do we know if water is clean?
  • Why does water get foggy when people step in it?
  • We tried to be secretive when we found a good water source, so other people wouldn’t step in it.  When someone stepped in it, it got foggy and we didn’t want it anymore. We argued!
  • How can we filter water to make it clean? We tried filtering it with our hands.

Because students voiced that they noticed a lot of pollution in different water sources, we decided to spend time on Earth Day picking up trash. They found 6 tires and rolled them to the dumpster!