
Central Idea: Collaboration balances communities.

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Organize Ourselves

We need to be both problem finders and problem solvers!

This week, students practiced being both of those!  As a class, we brainstormed different areas of our day at school that could be improved.  Then they chose which problem they wanted to brainstorm 3 realistic solutions for and formed small groups.

 These groups presented their solutions and had the class vote which one to implement.  Some of the problems they saw were frequent Four Square arguments at recess, students not having equal time on our classroom couch, and students tripping over a particular tree root outside.  They voted on creating a Four Square video about the rules (and show them to other classes), making lines with chalk for Four Square, assigning certain people each day to use the couch, and possibly painting a tree root a bright color to make it more visible.

They did a great job collaborating!