Historical Trunk

Transdisciplinary Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time

Central Idea: ?

For this unit, we didn’t reveal what the central idea was yet.  Instead, students have been challenged to see if they could figure it out based on the activities they’ve been engaged in each day.  We took time to brainstorm what the central idea might be.

  • We investigate history. -Ze
  • We use secondary sources to find primary sources.- Kiarrah
  • Researching other centuries is being a risk taker. -Brooklinn and Aymiah

During this process, students brought up great key questions that our unit may answer.

  • Why do we investigate history?  -Ze
  • Is our unit connected to other transdisciplinary themes besides “Where We Are in Place and Time”? – Fahima

We were excited about a historical trunk that came in the mail this week that was full of Civil War artifacts! Students practiced formulating several questions about their object, which is a skill in itself!  They used the key concepts to help organize and diversify their questions. Great researchers are able to ask lots of questions besides, “What is it?”  When we did this same activity together as a class first before splitting into groups, we were surprised how much we were able to notice and learn by just asking questions about an old set of playing cards. Asking questions leads to more questions and challenges your own assumptions.

We are excited about the success of the Kids’ Walk last week! A total of $1700 was raised!  We spent time writing thank you notes that will go out soon.  Thanks so much for your generosity!