Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I have enjoyed getting to know everyone over the past few days. Here are some snapshots of our classroom this week. We’re off to a great start!

Making Agreements and Learner Profile Posters for our Classroom

Students made a list of things that they thought our classroom needed and worked in small groups to accomplish their goals.

Za’Myia, Tiegan, and Davis made a list of lockers that had old stickers that needed removed or had loose hooks.  We later decided as a class to write an email to our custodian to help us. Thanks, Mr. Whited!

 Bella and Maddie brainstormed different classroom arrangements since our desks are on wheels.  We can’t wait to try them out!Jaylen wanted to make a space in his desk where he could still drum without his classmates noticing.  Easton, Cory, and Tre’Mir tried different materials in the classroom to see what muffled the sound the best.   Tommy and Sean’Sey noticed we didn’t have anything on the walls yet.  They decided to make a few “Welcome to Third Grade” posters for our door and one of the walls.  Lilly and Eva created a schedule for the couch.  That way, everyone would have the same amount of time on it.  Time in the Woods and Enjoying the New Playground Equipment Using our New Writing Notebooks and Book Bins  “Collaboration Balances Communities” is the central idea of our first inquiry unit.  We will be exploring how to collaborate, as well as how important working together is in many areas of our community.

Students were challenged to create a game using random materials with their group.  We later reflected on what the challenges were with making decisions as a group and how they needed to be open-minded to other people’s ideas in order to make it work.  Our class engaged in another collaboration challenge.  Using certain materials, small groups had to work together to make a boat that held the most weight (congratulations Bella and Davis for winning!).  We reflected on how we were open-minded and how groups were able to work out their disagreements.