Text Mapping

Central Idea:  Changes in the community impact the community’s structure in both positive and negative ways.

Theme: Where We Are in Place and Time

Text mapping is a helpful strategy that allows students to understand how texts are organized. Text mapping also helps the reader to see the reasoning behind the location of the those text features.  After third grader looked at books in a linear way, they created a key for different text features they recognized.  Small groups then drew arrows to show how the various features further explained the text. They were able to see that every decision an author makes is purposeful.  Some students noted their connections and questions as they were reading. Through this process, third graders practiced their researching skills as they planned and organized their information onto posters.

During this new unit of inquiry, we are exploring how change affects communities. As students read their books about the history of certain inventions, groups wrote on sticky notes causes and effects of the changes they saw. This relates to our key concept causation.

We are looking forward to inquiring into these concepts more deeply!

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